Exclusive specialized seminar focused on the up-to-date topic:

Duties of Statutory Bodies Related to Insolvency Proceedings and Consequences of Violation

The seminar focuses on theoretical explanation, presenting examples from practice, especially on the following topics:


What is bankruptcy and under what conditions can a debtor default? What particular novelties have been brought by the amendment of Insolvency Act applicable from July 1, 2017? What does the liquidity condition report serve for and how can a debtor – a businessman running accountancy  avoid declaration of bankruptcy thanks to the new institution of so-called coverage gap? What means can help the creditor document the existence of his/her debt if there is neither a debtor’s acknowledgement with verified signature available nor the one acknowledged by an enforceable execution title. 

Duties of Statutory Bodies Related to Insolvency Proceedings

The due diligence and how can it be violated?  What are the duties of a statutory body member in case the company declares or considers declaring bankruptcy?

Consequences of Bankruptcy for Statutory Body Members

When is a statutory body member liable for damage and who is he/she responsible to? Under which circumstances is a statutory body member obliged to return the profit resulting of the contract on the position? Can the unsettled debts of a company be enforced even from a statutory body member? Can statutory body members face prosecution in case of violating their duties?

Problems in Practice

What problems in practice may complicate creditor compensation through statutory body member debtors and is it possible to avoid such problems?


CONTACT US: +420 723 451 166

Information on the seminar

We look forward to seeing you there

Seminar date:

Contact us to arrange an individual date


Plavec & Partners, advokátní kancelář s.r.o., Na Zábradlí 205/1 110 00 Praha 1


Free of charge

Your guide through the seminar:

Mgr. Tereza Dokoupilová, Attorney at law

Dear Clients and Business Partners,

Please accept my cordial invitation to a seminar which focuses on the Duties of Statutory Bodies Related to Insolvency Proceedings and Consequences of Violation.

The seminar is designed both for statutory body members who should be thoroughly familiarized with the duties related to insolvency proceedings resulting of legislation and the risks they can meet if violating such duties, as well as for persons in position of creditors who may use the seminar as a guideline for debt recovery if their debtor is a legal person and so called empty shell company at the same time.

The seminar will include explanation of relevant novelties of the Insolvency Act applicable from July 1, 2017, concerning the declaration of bankruptcy terms such as a coverage gap or insolvency petition compulsory requirements for creditors relating to due evidence of debts.

I believe that you will find the topic of my seminar interesting and I look forward to meeting you in person.

Yours faithfully,

Tereza Dokoupilová