Exclusive specialized seminar focused on the up-to-date topic:

Penal Responsibility of Legal Persons

The seminar focuses on theoretical explanation presenting examples from practice, especially on the following topics:

Amendment to the Act on Penal Responsibility of Legal Persons

Familiarization with the amendment to the Act on penal responsibility of legal persons and its impact represented by a substantial increase in the number of criminal offences that can be  attributed to legal persons

Criminal Offence Attribution

What persons can cause penal responsibility of a company through their behaviour?

Sanctions of Legal Persons

Types of penalties which can be imposed on legal persons

Release of Liability

What company measures must a company implement to release itself out of its responsibility?

Information on the seminar

We look forward to seeing you there


Contact us to arrange an individual date


Plavec & Partners, advokátní kancelář s.r.o., Na Zábradlí 205/1 110 00 Praha 1


Free of charge


CONTACT US: +420 723 451 166

Your guide through the seminar:

Mgr. Jan Veselý, Attorney at law

Dear Clients and Business Partners,

The possibility to prosecute legal persons has already been known to our legislation for several years.  And yet this sphere can still be called a relatively new one, not only in the Czech Republic but even worldwide. This instrument enables – to put it simply – to prosecute and sentence not only a particular natural person for criminal behaviour but also a legal person in the interests of which or within the activities of which the criminal act was committed.  

On December 1, 2016, the big amendment to the Act on Penal Responsibility of Legal Persons entered in force, changing considerably the interpretation of such responsibility and especially extending the range of criminal acts for which a legal person may be prosecuted.  

I am convinced that after 5 years of this law’s applicability, the prosecution authorities are able to use this instrument very well and this amendment is sure to open the door for even more massive utilization.  

I would like to cordially invite you to my specialized seminar where I am going to make you familiar with this legal instrument and together we will be able to avoid the threats that it may represent for you.

Yours faithfully,

Jan Veselý, Attorney at law