Our company also offers you complete services and individual solution in the area of accounting and tax counselling.

One of the strongest weapons of our company specialized in providing services in the area of accounting and tax counselling is the strong potential of our tax counsellors founded on the experiences of the renowned law office. Our experts are ready to find the best solution and strategy in any life situation for you. The knowledge of our attorneys in law in the field of financial law and the experiences of our tax counsellors are the real guaranty of the unique approach fitting perfectly your needs.

graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Prague.
In 2000, Ilona Plavcová began her career in the Tax department of the international counselling company, PricewaterhouseCoopers, where she worked as Tax Specialist until 2003, specialising in the Income Tax of legal entities. During her activities at PricewaterhouseCoopers, as advisor to domestic and foreign clients, she became familiar with the procedures of tax optimisation and participated in many transactions of international significance.
In 2004, she was appointed to the position of Financial Controller and Tax Specialist for the BOSCH Security Systems company, where she was employed until 2006. In this position, she enriched her knowledge with practical experience of everyday entrepreneurial practice, the financial management of a company and its internal processes.