Since 25 May, 2018 GDPR has been obligatory for all Czech entrepreneurs and tradesmen, including doctors of medicine. The medicine community should be alert as the data on patients health lie within a so-called special category of personal data, the processing of which should be secured adequately to their delicate nature. Nevertheless in our opinion, doctors need not be afraid of GDPR as of another piece of bureaucracy. On the contrary – it is an opportunity to organize the data and provide your patients with the best amount of protection they deserve.

If you address us, we will prove to you that you can achieve compliance with GDPR even with the aid of several reasonable measures that will not require any extreme stress as to your time and money.
With our assistance you will find that you are obliged to designate a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and you will get ready to process your patients’ personal data in compliance with GDPR.
We offer your company help with its preparations for the new European regulation on protection of individuals related to data processing and free circulation of such data
CONTACT US: +420 739 348 665