In his attorney at law practice, Jan Veselý specializes in commercial law, corporate law and penal law. In the sphere of commercial and corporate laws he deals especially with securing business transactions, business company activities, relations of associates and shareholders to a company, and related moot agendas. In penal law, Jan Veselý focuses mainly on the sphere related to entrepreneurial and economy activities and the sphere of criminal liability of legal entities.
Jan Veselý started his legal practice at Valášek & Plavec law office, where he acquired experience especially in the field of real estate law and commercial law – from 2006 during his studies at the Faculty of Law. Following his studies he started to work as an articled clerk in the Valášek & Plavec law office and eventually at Plavec & Partners. Since autumn 2013 he has been an attorney at law at Plavec & Partners´.